R&B and Soulful House GetRight

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How to Get Right

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The only satisfaction is the realization of desire. The idea of heaven revolves around being satisfied You ain’t in heaven unless you’re satisfied. The question is can you truly be satisfied?

Now that I’ve discovered the importance and power in controlling how I think.  I take it upon myself to define ideas for myself.  Society may use a word in a certain context but depending on how I wish to use the word I’ll self-define a word to fit the GetRight nature of my thought process. […]

You gotta believe in something, why not believe in You? Because we think, we have a choice in what to think. This choice is the most important aspect of living. What you think matters more than anything else in the world because of the power it has. Thought power is of the universal supreme creative […]

Whether you are the observed or the observer the only thing that is indicative of change is the altering of either’s point of view. The observer must change their behavior/actions or the observed must do so in order for change to be considered to have taken place. Circumstances in a situation can seem to change […]

Energy and Purpose We are here because energy’s primary purpose is to express a desire. Energy’s purpose is to do. There is no such thing as “half do”. All energy is for doing and only doing. Energy is purposed by desire. The doing has to be directed by a consciousness that knows what it desires […]

I used to wonder what ‘Born Again’ meant for a long time.  As a son of a minister it was literally referred to as being a new member of the Christian community.  This membership required you believe in the resurrection of Jesus.  This belief was what I thought being born again really was.  But how […]

Staying Focused in a World of Social Media Distractions Are you finding it increasingly difficult to stay focused and motivated in the midst of a constant stream of social media content? You’re not alone. Many people struggle to maintain their focus and productivity in a world where we’re constantly bombarded with notifications, updates, and alerts.But […]

https://a.co/d/gBOdMed  From Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning by The Honorable Judge Thomas Troward Part 1: The Truth about Adam and Eve begins with the truth about god To better understand the truth about Adam and Eve we must first get some things straight about God.  Not understanding certain things about the creator is the reason […]

The universal supreme creative force is the ceaseless and ever-perfecting spirit. It knows no idea of degradation or flaw. This makes every advancing moment more perfect than the last. NOW is perfectly the greatest moment in time and space.

“The Social Dilemma” is a documentary on Netflix that explores the impact of social media on society and how it works. The film outlines how social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram use algorithms to keep users engaged. This strategy has led to unintended consequences.

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