R&B and Soulful House GetRight

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The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.  The shortest distance between not knowing and knowing is recognizing the truth. ‘All is God’, is the foundational truth and premise of The GetRight Movement. The universal supreme creative mind/force’s only begotten Son is Life. God is Life The life principle is the only thing […]

What is an erroneous idea? An idea is erroneous if it falls short of attaining the kingdom of heaven.  The writers of the Bible referred to this type of idea as “sin”. I learned from the honorable mind science teacher, Rev. Ike, that to “sin” means to miss the mark in archery.  To fall short […]

https://a.co/d/gBOdMed  From Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning by The Honorable Judge Thomas Troward Part 1: The Truth about Adam and Eve begins with the truth about god To better understand the truth about Adam and Eve we must first get some things straight about God.  Not understanding certain things about the creator is the reason […]

You Must Love the Truth if you want to be Free of Fear. I made a trip to the grocery store today in my usual elevated conscious state.  I was on a mission to get some brew and something sweet to eat.  In my haste to get my stuff, get back to the NFL game […]

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