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Wisdom is a Friend for Life

Written by on October 25, 2020

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What is Wisdom?

My definition of wisdom is “an understanding of life that elevates the condition and circumstances of the practitioner”.  Once again this is a self-definition that serves the purpose of my God-conscious mind.  Wisdom is a tool of consciousness that enables the user to sidestep obstacles seen and more importantly,  unseen.  What is an unseen obstacle you may ask?  An unseen obstacle is often an erroneous thought pattern.  How is an erroneous thought pattern get in my way?  It’s like when you think someone or something is out to get you so you behave in such a manner that causes more stress than if you didn’t have that idea.  You can’t see that your thoughts are in your way more than anything.  One way that wisdom helps you avoid this circumstance is by holding you to a higher mode of thinking.

Understanding Cause and effect is the Wisdom of Life

Acting on your understanding of the cause of an effect in life determines your level of wisdom. The more you know the cause to an effect the wiser you would be.  The opposite is also true.  The less you understand the cause to an effect the more likely you will be considered to be a fool.  This should reasonably make the goal in life to be wise.  Not because you care about what people think of you, but because the overall effect on your life makes a difference.  The wiser I am the better the circumstances of my life must be.  My life must reflect and express circumstances that are better than if I was unwise the majority of the time.  Life is expressed according to your thinking and acting.  Foolish actions express a different life than wise actions.  You can’t be wise and have the life of a foolish person and you can’t be foolish and have the life of a wise person.

Wisdom is a Friend Only if You Use It

A friend looks out for you whenever they can and helps you stay on a positive path in life.  Wisdom does these things as a condition of your use of it.  Wisdom must be used to be a tool for our betterment.  This means you have to initiate the friendship.  You can’t wait for wisdom to take charge of your life.  You must seek wisdom and act on its suggestions.  Wisdom is ever willing to give however you must be ever willing to act accordingly.  Wise advice not taken is no different from ignorance and foolishness.  If you are not acting on the one you are by default acting on the other.  In other words, you’re being foolish if you’re not being wise.  It’s ok to miss the mark of being totally wise but you will pay the price accordingly. That’s why it makes sense to make friends with wisdom.

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