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    • “The Word” is Thought Made Flesh or Expressed. "The Word” is Thought Made Flesh or Expressed. God is Consciousness and the universal supreme creative force which makes everything out of itself.  The expression of God is "the word”. When Spirit pushes forth itself into matter in order to express itself in the physical "The Word" is made Flesh.  Theologians have had this misinterpreted for centuries. We are all consciousness made flesh. [caption id="attachment_43311" align="alignleft" width="300"] #image_title[/caption] What comes first the Word or the Thought of the Word? Can you say a word before you think of the word to say?  Go ahead, and see if you can.  If you're honest you couldn't.  Although it may seem simultaneous, the thought had to come first. Is a word a word before it is expressed?  If you keep the idea of a word in your mind without saying it, it can't be a word.  A word is an expression.  An expression is an externalized thought.  Whether it is a work of art or an invention like a new app.  If it is not externalized from the thought or idea, it is not expressed.  As long as the word is just an idea in the mind, it is not an expression.  For man, the idea or thought is not made "flesh" while it is still only in the mind.  We have to use speech or action to translate the thought to expression or "the word" or physical. All of this is done through the power and intelligence of that which makes us.   God's consciousness is made flesh or expression automatically. The universe and all that it contains is the expression of God's mind, the Mastermind.  Our mind is inside the mastermind, this is why we have to be careful of what we think or focus on.  We create through our use of the Creator's mind. To be continued, stay tuned for the podcast on this subject.  [See the full post at: "The Word” is Thought Made Flesh or Expressed.]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • Life Is a Combination of Energy and Thought Life is a combination of energy and thought expressed.  Each aspect is what the universal supreme creative force graces man and the universe with.  The universal supreme creative force/mind is life, so to understand life we have to understand what is provided to us with life.   Energy We are provided with energy, the action to do things is provided to all things through the mover of all things.  At the core of life, the mover of subatomic particles provides all of life with its impetus to live.  Our desire and ability to thrive is provided by the giver of the power to move.  If our molecules are not moved in a manner that makes us alive then what do we have?  This is how life is dictated by the mover of the tiniest particles of our being.  We are the lower end of the higher movement.  This is how ALL POWER comes from on "high".  We are the expression of higher energy. Thought We are provided with thought.  The ability to decide and do is volition.  The only thing the universal supreme creative force has to decide on is what to do and be.  This decision is pure choice.  Since this choice requires thought, it is by the grace and force of these thoughts that we are expressed by the universal supreme creative force/mind.  We and everything in the universe is the body, of the mind, that is, of, and by the mover of subatomic particles. The universe is expressed energy and thought. As Above So Below Just like the master consciousness that we are of.  Our life expression is the son of our father.  Our thoughts and actions are in the body of our master's force and mind.  Our lives are expressed by our choices of thoughts, which decide how our energy is used.  We have the lives our thoughts and actions express.  We at Bodybyloud! believe this wisdom is empowering.  Knowing this means we have the power to express the life we desire by fine-tuning our thoughts.  This is the wisdom that Bodybyloud! and The GetRight Movement wishes to share with the world.   [See the full post at: Life Is a Combination of Energy and Thought]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • Change is a Difference in Thought. Whether you are the observed or the observer the only thing that is indicative of change is the altering of either's point of view. The observer must change their behavior/actions or the observed must do so in order for change to be considered to have taken place. Circumstances in a situation can seem to change all because the observer changes their opinion about what they initially thought about the situation. This means that your thoughts and opinions have the power of changing things. So it matters what the nature of your thoughts is. Change is a different thought Thought must come before action, this means change is a different thought. No matter where you aim to go, every change in direction requires a decision to change directions. Change is a choice that requires thought. You don't change directions without the thought to change directions. This means every goal and destination in life requires thought and change in and of thought. How Fear is a Hinderance Whatever desires to keep you from changing your mind/thought about bettering your life does not want change. If it does not want to change for the better then this is what we call a hindrance. A hindrance is primarily internal because the desire to elevate is internal or comes from within. It takes an internal hindrance to operate against an internal desire. Fear is the primary hindrance that operates against our desires. We like to think that fear is externally produced, however, fear is thoughts of hindrance we think are out of our control. Often, we fear the dark because of what we think is in the dark. Thinking a hindrance to our life or well-being, that we are powerless against, is in the dark. Question is, why do we think whatever is in the dark is out to get us? Fear is believing what you can't see is against you. This is a nature of thought or a polarity of thought. It is a manner of thinking that is negative. We can just as easily believe what we can't see is good for us but that would take a change of thought. Change of thought is the only way to go from a negative to positive polarity in thinking and is the change in behavior that leads to elevation. [See the full post at: Change is a Difference in Thought.]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • How Do Thoughts Create Circumstances? God is Thought Only thought is creative. The book, Thought Vibration or The Law of Attraction in the Thought World, by William Walker Atkinson explains how thoughts create circumstances. It is one of those books that gives me a greater understanding of this thing called "The Law of Attraction". However my studies have lead me to the understanding that the term “attraction” does not accurately describe what is happening. Circumstances like everything else in the universe are created by, through, and of thought. This being the case, makes it better in the long run to mentally replace “create” wherever the term “attraction” is used. This distinction makes it easier to understand related principles and laws. To many who have just gotten use to the term ‘law of attraction’ this might be a psychological challenge but it is worth it for metaphysical understanding. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Yq1TPE23mI[/embedyt] I'm one of those people who likes to know the root of things or where something came from, so I can better understand where it is now. I like to know I'm not off on a tangent of something that started off one way and got changed into something totally different, like Christianity.  More on that later.  Besides, if  something is righteous then it can stand research or at least some scutiny. This book seems to be better at explaining the Law of Attraction than any other book I've run across since I was introduced to the law. The fact that it was written back in 1906, when the New Thought Movement was in its infancy, makes it more up my alley. I find it interesting Atkinson says we attract/create circumstances tuned to the thoughts we have. For instance, if I'm mean and belligerent I will attract/create situations and circumstances that will allow me to express those thoughts and emotions. Anger thoughts, within, attract situations in tune with those anger thoughts, without. Peace within, attracts/creates peace without. What can we learn from this book?  How can I use this new found knowledge to make things better for myself and others?  These questions are answered with knowing how thoughts create circumstances.  Just knowing how thoughts affect your life gives you the incentive to keep your mind on the good you want to attract/create . We primarily learn why to discipline our mind.  Don't take your thoughts lightly because they DO make your life. [See the full post at: How Do Thoughts Create Circumstances?]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

    • What does “Seek You First the Kingdom of Heaven” mean? <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fthebookofloud%2Fposts%2Fpfbid02ErykFYkPrNGKNcPZgY5bFkuwnPPY2NaQcQmagKfXLxqGhEKMBEuFd5FnBAm7t4pl&show_text=true&width=500" width="500" height="189" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe> What does it mean to seek the kingdom of heaven first?  What is the kingdom of heaven anyway? If we think about it, the kingdom of heaven alludes to a place, yet it is clear that it's a place in consciousness.  This is because heaven is the best imagined circumstances or the ideal.  To be in heaven is to have all you wish without anything you don't wish.  The ideal must come from, through and by the idea.  Heaven is the idea of the ideal.  To seek it is to claim it as a consciousness of your own.  A kingdom is a land or territory under the rule of the lord or king, the lord or king of the kingdom of heaven is thoughts of the ideal.  Whatever we think and believe the ideal is, is our heaven.  However, for this ideal to be truth it must align with the truth about the universal supreme creative force, God. What is true about the universal supreme creative force is ideal and thus heaven. To have a problem you have to have an idea to have a problem with. This idea is your idea of you. Stop having a problem with yourself or your idea of yourself. The ideal desire in life is not figuring out how to survive but figuring out how to thrive. Since the universal supreme creative force cannot be ill or sick then your ideal consciousness can contain no idea of ill health or sickness for it to be of the kingdom of heaven.  Since the USCF is life everlasting then the ideal consciousness can have no idea of death or non-existence.  Because God is the substance of all things spiritual and material, then there is no lack of anything.  Seeking the ideals that mean heaven to you must be done first.  Heaven must exist in the mind before it can exist anywhere else.  This means your idea of heaven is what heaven is to you.  To have heaven is to think heavenly thoughts first. We are the idea of God. Nothing exists without the idea of it existing first. We are not here without there being an idea of us being here first. You don't get a pie or cake without having an idea of a pie or cake.  Once you have the idea then you can proceed according to the idea at hand.  The completion of the idea or its expression is in direct relation to the nature of the idea.  To don't set out to make a chocolate cake and don't put chocolate or cocoa in the ingredients.  A chocolate cake requires chocolate by the nature/idea of what chocolate is.  It cannot be chocolate cake without chocolate. Man cannot be man without the idea of man being in the ingredients.  The ingredients in man and the idea of man comes from the maker and idealizer of man.  What of whom is the idealizer of man? That which man is made of, through and by is the idealizer of man.  This makes man the idea and expression of the universal supreme creative mind or God. The Ideal of God. What is the ideal of God when it comes to man.  The ideal of God must be true of God.  This means if God is eternal then man is eternal.  Any idea that is short of this, in any manner, falls short of the glory of God.  In order to have the ideal you must put the idea that matches the ideal in  the consciousness.  The consciousness is the expression and the expression matches the consciousness exactly.  If the idea falls short of the glorious heavenly consciousness or ideal then the expression will do the same.  What ever ingredients we leave out of the ingredients of the kingdom of heaven will be left out of the expression of life.  You can only get eternal life expression if you make sure the idea of eternal life is your conscious ideal. The ingredients we know as the truth about God, is the ideal we must keep in consciousness as we seek the kingdom of heaven.  We are made of God and God is made of us. Seeking the kingdom is a never-ending journey.  We cannot know all the greatness of God in entirety as we are an individualized differentiation whose consciousness would have to expand to the point of understanding all that God knows. If we keep in our hearts and minds the ideas we know make up the ideal life.  The ideas of love, peace, freedom, harmony and beauty. The ideal thoughts/ideas of life make the kingdom of heaven in expression.  We can only express our ideas held in mind, so in order to have the kingdom of heaven, we must have the ideal thoughts.  We must seek the ideal thoughts to express the kingdom of heaven.  This is what is meant by seek the first the kingdom of heaven. [See the full post at: What does "Seek You First the Kingdom of Heaven" mean?]

      Started by: Bodybyloud! Vint in: GetRight Discussions

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    • 1 month ago

      Bodybyloud! Vint

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