Make it Make Sense (Part 3) The Metaphysics of Genesis
Written by Bodybyloud! Vint on 12/06/2024
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The Metaphysics of Genesis
Make it Make Sense Part 3 – Loudtalk from The GetRight Spot podcast
This is the third installment of the series of podcast I’m doing to introduce some esoteric teachings from the Bible. Below is the unedited transcript of the podcast with timestamps.
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Hello everyone, oh I forget what it be like everybody, once again this is body by law event
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coming to you live from the get right spot, with loud from the get right spot.
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I got a little time off from work, so I’m able to chill at home and rap, talk about things.
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So far I’ve been messing around on threads, I like threads, it kind of reminds me of X
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or Twitter in that you can just participate in certain conversations, much easier you
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can find people who specifically want to speak about certain things and it’s a little bit
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more easier to get into the conversations you’re interested in on threads than it appears to
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be on Twitter seems like Twitter don’t let you find it exactly what you’re looking for,
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he’s trying to push certain profiles over the conversations like I can put metaphysics in
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the search on threads and boom, I get right into conversation quick, anybody who’s used
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that tag and speak on it, I can jump right in so I’ve been in the conversation over on threads,
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the metaphysics conversation if you want to check out what’s been happening, what my end of the
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conversations have been, I’ve been posting in the group on to get right movement,
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I post my reactions or my comment about someone else’s posts on threads and I use that post in
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the post that I’m doing on the site so it’s like I get to share with the world my take on other
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people’s points so in doing that I’ve been challenging kind of your field of itch to debate
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so I’m looking for people to challenge, just to get into a little word, I won’t say combat,
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I’m not trying to fight anyone, I just think people present ideas and they believe in,
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like I present ideas I believe in but I think it’s a lot of people just agree without questioning
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like I shouldn’t say I challenge which I do challenge but I should probably say I question
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and I think everyone’s ideas should be questioned so we can get the true value out of, the true value
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out of any idea is whether or not it stands up whether it holds weight, whether it can stand on
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its own you know and when something can stand on its own you know that’s that’s what a judgment
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or whether or not it’s based in truth so aside from all that you know I’m enjoying these days
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often I want to get back to what I was talking about in the last podcast the last podcast was
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Make It Makes Sense part two and near the end of that podcast I was talking about the connection
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between what’s written in Genesis and the Bible at the very beginning I was saying that it is
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Moses who’s supposed to be the writer is relaying some metaphysical truth and a lot of people
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you know look at the Bible and take it literally which I guess you know that you want to go right
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ahead I mean I don’t know why you want to take something literally that you know just it’s hard
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to fathom literally you know but anyway if you take it literally if they want but I believe
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there’s a grander larger lesson being taught if you can decipher what the author is trying to say
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so when you know people really want to you know conversate about the Bible to get hung up because
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some one person taking it literally and someone else is not even doesn’t even care to you know
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listen because obviously the person taking it literally something to damn fool with anyway
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there’s in between there’s a there’s a there’s a esoteric meaning behind I believe what Moses wrote
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and the esoteric meaning is tied to metaphysical truths so that’s what you know that’s where I
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come in it’s like that’s what my interest is what what’s true what makes sense and it’s through the
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teaching of the honor of a judge troward that brought to my attention that the Bible speaks of
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Genesis and creation is talking metaphysical truths it’s saying something about what is and
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what is is spirit to create a principle that causes the universe to be expressed in us to be alive
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because it is the only life in the universe it is the only being being in the universe and the way
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the way Moses does it in the Bible he teaches us through allegory so you know when when you’re
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reading the first few books and you have an understanding of metaphysics you can see the
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direct link between how Moses is telling the story and presenting God and the metaphysics of
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what’s actually true about God universal supreme creative force mind consciousness consciousness
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so when you like I alluded to in the last episode I said the first statement of the Bible is a
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metaphysical statement and that statement is about in the beginning you know as I was saying
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that if you say in the beginning there was that mean there really was no beginning because
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there already was and what already was is what it is now you relate that to the physical truth
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about matter and energy you know can I be destroyed can I be created so what is is always was and
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that what always was is the only thing that could cause the expression that we call the universe
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but he makes it clear you know the writer makes it clear with further statements you know and
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the next statement y’all had the Bible open right now but I’m pretty much the best state the next
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statement has something to do with and in the beginning there was the word now this statement
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right here has caused so much confusion when it comes to people interpreting the Bible that part
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about the word now I’ve heard the word was translated as something else which which was
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supposed to be think logos which supposed to mean spirit so whether you want to say word or
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spirit if you are not if you’re trying to learn what the author is relaying you can you can go
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with what was translated as word and what does word mean you know word means you know something
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you say it’s an expression any word is an expression so if any word is an expression that
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mean the expression if they sing in the beginning there was the expression okay now I ain’t you
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know I ain’t no genius but I know that before you can say any word you got to think of that word
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first word can’t come before the thought of the word you can’t say a word before you think of it
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so that tells me that before there was the word there was the thought of the word the
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consciousness of the word so much so that if you’re gonna even have a word you got to have a
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consciousness that knows what the word means because it ain’t really a word if it don’t relate
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to something consciously specific so that means it has have some kind of definition anyway but
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besides that each word is an expression that has to have a thought behind it so when the writer
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gets into the part where it states that and God said let there be that statement right there
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whatever the next word after that is saying if the thing is an expression and let there be light
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that means the only thing that is which is God is expressing light out of what out of itself
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it is light it’s the only thing that is so God is light whatever the next statement is it’s the
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same thing God expressing turning its being from pure spirit unexpressed spirit into whatever that
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thing it says let there be whatever that whether no matter what the word is is let there be whatever
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the expression word expression thought comes first then comes the expression so whatever
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God thinks becomes expressed that’s what it means when it says and the word was made flesh
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the consciousness thought becomes word which becomes expression so everything God says let
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there be all the way down the man is an expression that’s thought first and brought into physical
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form through the only thing that exists known thing exists is the consciousness being that is
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capable of and use that word I love has the volition to push forth itself into physical
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expression volition volition meaning has a desire and capability all road and one and
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uninhabited capability and desire now that means we are all everything is all an expression of
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that which always was and you can try to date you can try to date God and say okay so from from
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the science of man science right now you know you can say okay over 13 billion years ago God began
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this current expression no matter how far you say you can go into there was nothing there always
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was something at the beginning of that point so if the Bible says everything was created in
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six days and God rested on the seventh then that must mean there’s a point where there is no more
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expression and there’s a break God chills I mean just makes his mind quiet that a that’s what
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meditation could be a quiet and God quiet his mind and shutting everything down that’s the
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that’s the end until he wakens and wants to do it all over again forever and ever so if we say the
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current expression began 13 billion years ago it must have been from a nap and we don’t know how
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long he’s gonna express before the Nick we don’t know what day we own you know before the next
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expression or the next nap and did the next expression but it’s interesting you know just to
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think about how Moses laid out the metaphysical truth of creation and put it into a story that
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someone could figure it out like you know it it makes sense to me when when when it was really
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through my study in a travel video that’s that’s what it is only God can only only that which
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can cause the universe to be the way it is like I asked the question is why why why would a
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particle be a part of anything a tiny particle why would it be a part of something distinct
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right now at what level could make any particle be a part of anything that exists only that which
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could control that particle on the level of its use like God makes use of its entire being to make
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me you exist every every particle of our being is under the loving guidance of the cause of that
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particle being a part of you. It has to be done out of love because there’s nothing to
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compel it to do it. It has to want to do it, it has to desire to do it, it’s doing it because
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that’s what it wants to do and this is an important aspect of our understanding the creator,
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the expresser, the universal principle of life. This thing is a gift of love. We wouldn’t
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be here if that which could move your particles into the right alignment didn’t want to make
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you out of itself then we wouldn’t be here. So just being alive is a gift and being gifted
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with the ability to make your life what you want it to be because you inherited a mind,
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the mind of the creator. You know everything about our existence is a gift. I mean it’s
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consciousness is a gift and we use our consciousness like the creator uses its mind to make what
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we want happen, happen and so far as what we control with our minds. I think this is what
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Moses was trying to relay once he got through with creation. Once he got through with the
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creation and telling us what God is and what God did as far as like creating us and saying
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it expressed everything and then he gets into the importance of our choices. But that’s
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a whole different podcast. I’m going to get into that next time. It’ll be the truth about
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Adam and Eve. I did write those but I haven’t done a podcast to them. But I think from this
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podcast right here we can see where Moses was breaking things down on the metaphysical
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side and I think the whole Bible is meant to be interpreted first from what Moses was
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trying to break down. Look at everything as far as his books from a metaphysical truth
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basis and things will be a whole lot more interesting. It’s one thing to take someone’s
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word for it but it’s another thing to get an understanding of. Okay. He’s saying something
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that I didn’t know he was saying and that’s how it was for me. I realized okay it makes
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sense and that’s what this whole thing is about making it make sense. Making what was written
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make sense. As far as the Bible is. I want to thank you for listening. I hope you got
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something out of it if you ain’t got nothing going on. Come by one of the sites to get
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right spot. Look around. You know mess around. See what you like. You know I curate and just
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put stuff on there. I’m going to soup up the events. I think people really want to find
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events wherever they go. So if you’re doing events in your city and no matter what if
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it’s a karaoke night you’re having at the local bar. Post it on the get right spot.
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Create an event. Let us know where it’s at. What time it is and let the people in the
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area know what you got going on right there in your part of town. Make sure it’s safe
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to tell people to come there. They’ll have nobody coming somewhere they can yell. Might
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get done in. But yeah. We want to help people find you know to get right spot no matter
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what town they in. When I go somewhere I want to find something to do. That’s on my level.
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So I want people everywhere to post the event of the house music spot for that night. I
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might be in town. I might want to go to. I’m always want to go somewhere to dance you know
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to some good house music. So put that up. Put it on the site. You know you haven’t any
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kind of poetry. Spoken word event. I like those. Post them. Tell everybody where you
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at. What’s going on. And tell whoever can see it. You know that’s the get right spot for
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whatever that is about. As far as home. Body by loud and get right movement. You know we
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just working on expanding the mind. So come there. Join the conversation. Tell me I’m
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wrong. Let me know if I’m full of it. I get that a lot. I do the same. I tell people all
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the time. It’s just. You know. Fund debates about what it is. That’s what I’m into. Fund
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debates about what it is. How things are. How things are. You know. How and why things
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are. The way they are. Which is interesting. And that’s where that conversation is. So if
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you ain’t got nothing going on. Come there and hang out. Tell me what you’re listening
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to. That’s also a big part of it. What you get down to. What you smoke to. Like that’s
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what this gets right spot. It’s about this is where I go to get down. I elevate and talk
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junk. You know. Have some friends. Oh I got two podcast was where I’m hanging out with
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my buddy Ben. My homeboy Sonny D. And there’s background music. So I really can’t put them
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up on anything of the podcast platforms. We just kick and back tripping. You know. Conversating
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with some music in the background. It’s a fun podcast. But I’m going to put them up
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as I’m just you know. Come on. Just hang out. Listening wise. You know. How we get down.
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It’s quite funny. We have a nice little debate. Me and Ben about race and what race is. And
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it’s funny. It’s funny. My man funny. But yeah. I’m going to post those. Trying to get
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them out there and name them. But you probably will have to download them from Google Drive
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or Dropbox or something like that. Because they come along with podcast. They take up
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too much space. First thing. Let me put them up with the background music anyway. But anyway.
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I hope everybody’s enjoying there. We could thanks Gary. And I hope you’re thankful about
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something. Be thankful about something. You ain’t got nothing to be thankful about. Be
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thankful that that which makes you want it to make you. And if you have any enjoyment
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of life. It’s because of that. If you can enjoy anything. It’s because of that. You hear
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it. Because God want you here. You don’t know what to do with it. That’s on you. But I know
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what I’m supposed to do with it. And that’s enjoy. That’s all I’m supposed to do. Enjoy.
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That’s all I’m here for. Enjoy. That’s what life is about. Enjoy. I mean you can make
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it about whatever you want to make it about. But that’s what I make it about. One thing.
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Enjoy. So thanks for listening. And remember the only way to get right is to think right.
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Until next time. I’ll be back.
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(birds chirping)