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Esoteric Truth of the Bible

The Metaphysics of Genesis Make it Make Sense Part 3 – Loudtalk from The GetRight Spot podcast This is the third installment of the series of podcast I’m doing to introduce some esoteric teachings from the Bible.  Below is the unedited transcript of the podcast with timestamps. From 00:00:00 to 00:00:12 Hello everyone, oh I […]

How Adam is Born in Sin Today we’re going to talk about how Adam is born in sin, which is a big idea that might seem complicated at first, but I promise we’ll make sense of it. We will explore the relationships between consciousness, matter, choice, freedom, and sin. First, let’s talk about consciousness. What […]

What is “Christ”? “Christ” is a Conscious Wisdom/Science   My definition of Christ is unorthodox and controversial however it makes more sense than anything I ever heard.  I may have to do this as a podcast where I verbally lay it out.  I first came across the assertion reading the ideas and words of Phineas […]

What type of question is What is ‘Eve’? There are several ways to interpret the Bible but the one I have focused on is based on the truth of consciousness.    I do this because the truth is in consciousness.  What I have learned from Thomas Troward and several other metaphysical teachers is that everything […]  From Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning by The Honorable Judge Thomas Troward Part 1: The Metaphysical Truth about Adam and Eve begins with the truth about god To better understand the truth about Adam and Eve we must first know the metaphysical truth about God.  Not understanding certain things about the creator is why […]

The Kingdom of Heaven is a Consciousness of ONLY Good. As a conscious elevation scientist, I realize what ‘The Kingdom of Heaven’ means when I think of what the universal supreme creative force is. The universal supreme creative force is conscious spirit.  This consciousness expresses life.  Heaven, by it’s objectively and subjectively “good” qualitative state, […]

What does it mean to seek the kingdom of heaven first?  What is the kingdom of heaven anyway? If we think about it, the kingdom of heaven alludes to a place, yet it is clear that it’s a place in consciousness.  This is because heaven is the best imagined circumstances.  To be in heaven is […]

We are made in God’s Imagination All is Mind or Consciousness.  The mind of the universe is the universal supreme creative force or God.  For anything to exist it has to be in the mind of God, thus we are made in God’s imagination. This means the universal supreme creative force is imagining your life. […]

“The Word” is Thought Made Flesh Because All Expression Starts with thought. The world don’t need fixing, people’s thinking needs fixing/elevating. This is because thought is first cause and all expression starts starts with thought. God is Consciousness, the universal supreme creative force which makes everything out of itself.  The expression of God is “the […]

What is Adam? The esoteric truth about ‘Adam/Atom’ based on what God is. The Bible can be understood from several different aspects.  Many people wish to take it literally.   However, in my studies to understand the deeper truths of the Bible, we are admonished, by scholars such as the Honorable Judge Thomas Troward and […]

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