Make it Make Sense (Part 1) The Quest Begins
The Quest to make sense of Everything This podcast is about my journey to discover what makes life and the Bible make sense. I go into the incident with my father that I believe helped me develop the questioning mentality that’s caused me to seek answers through metaphysics. My philosophy begins to develop as a […]

I can love the next man better if my pockets was better. Post-Election Loudtalk Podcast
Post Election Loudtalk Post Election Loudtalk text From 00:00:00 to 00:00:17 With the bees like everybody, this is body by law event coming to you for a loud talk from the get right spot once again on the road to work. From 00:00:17 to 00:00:32 Got a few things to wrap about in this post-election […]
How Does Thought Create Circumstances?
God is Thought and Only Thought is Creative/Expressive God is Thought podcast This podcast lays down the foundational premise of Bodybyloud! and The GetRight Movement. The Universal Supreme Creative Force is Thought and Only Thought Can Create is that premise. From here on out I plan to discuss how this premise is important to the […]

Action can Only be Directed Energy and Only Consciousness can Direct
Action can only be directed energy and only consciousness can direct. The expression that is the universe is of the directed energy /Action of the universal supreme creative consciousness or God. This means we are of the directed energy of God. Think about that. What does this mean to you? What does that mean for […]
Warning: Undefined variable $id in /home/ on line 43
All-Profit from GetRight Thinking We are an All-Profit Movement, like all movements should be. If you believe something is good for yourself, then it should be good for others and preferably for everyone. Thinking better and operating from a positive mentality profits or benefits everyone. Our goal is to share ideas that lead to better […]
The Kingdom of Heaven is a Consciousness of ONLY Good. As a conscious elevation scientist, I realize what ‘The Kingdom of Heaven’ means when I think of what the universal supreme creative force is. The universal supreme creative force is conscious spirit. This consciousness expresses life. Heaven, by it’s objectively and subjectively “good” qualitative state, […]